Pancetta, Bikes, Drinks.

A few weeks ago I made a little note to myself in my iPhone. I forgot all about it until last night when I opened the notes app to remind myself of something else and saw it and laughed and decided to do what I’d set out to do.

Boyfriend and I were riding to one of our favorite restaurants. I started talking about how bacon is completely overrated because pancetta is obviously the superior salty meat. Intending to convey my love for pancetta, instead of saying “PANCETTA IS AWESOME!” or “PANCETTA FOREVER BACON NEVA!” I said “Pancetta is the whip.” Meaning all of these things, but sounding like a b-boy from 1987 out of nowhere. We giggled a little about it and it devolved to “What? Pancetta ghost rides the whip?” which I found to be a particularly hilarious image. I told bf I would draw it for him sometime. That sometime has come.

Now when you’re googling around the Internets, you will spend less time tearing out your hair, yelling aloud “Why isn’t there ONE decent image of pancetta ghost riding a cartoony Land Rover with giant rims?”

I’ve been drawing other things too. Like this original for my brother’s birthday.

Worth upwards of $5 on the internet.

Boyfriend has been doing some crafting of his own. He got a new bike last weekend as a project.

“Please show me what it’s like to live in a real home and not some bike collector’s storage unit :(“

He wants something that he can attach a rack to and ride to the market on. Something he can tinker with and shine up and make pretty then probably sell off and do over again when he gets bored with it. Right now he’s working on a seat. I had a few small leather samples around and he is 3/4 of the way through sewing his own seat cover and it’s looking really great.

(Note there’s some dangly strings and loose parts. It hasn’t all been secured yet, but it’s almost there.)

The reason I originally opened the notes app to begin with was to remind myself to share this drink idea with you. Keeping it real (lazy) we often run out of tonic and we don’t drink much outside vodka, beer, and water. Vodka and water tastes gross and sometimes you are desperate for a nightcap. (always). This is slightly (much) more delicious than my previous poor person mixed drink recipe and just as easy. We literally had nothing. No lemons, no limes, no fruit of any kind, no kool-aid, no Crystal Light (because I am not a mom), or powdered drinks (Including jell-o mix. Like I didn’t think of that.). Until one of us (probably me) spotted the popsicles. I mean, they’re essentially frozen grape juice, yes? At least the kind we buy. And it’s getting cold outside, so it’s not exactly popsicle season. The first time bf tried it, he halved the popsicle and added water to dilute and thaw it. It tasted like a very bad generic brand of vitamin water – which is particularly bad with the cheapest vodka money can buy. (Even in Kentucky. Which is very little money.) Last night he just microwaved a whole popsicle for a few seconds and it was perfect. Add ice, vodka, and top off with water.

“Come with me to dreamland!”

Please feel free obligated to leave suggestions of other things we should keep around the house in other tonic emergencies.

I guess I will see you all Monday. Wishing you luck and lots of caffeine during this insurance meeting season and hoping that none of my health insurance meeting doodles come true.

One Response to “Pancetta, Bikes, Drinks.”

  1. matt and i only drink vodka and water as well (plus wine) — we ran out of mixers last month, and i mixed melted lemon sorbet with it. DELICIOUS! i actually made it into an alcoholic smoothie the next time we ran out, mixing the sorbet with vodka and a little ice in the blender.

    also, when i run out of milk, i use vanilla ice cream or whipped cream in matt’s coffee.

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